日本建築学会 学術講演梗概
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting,
Architectural Institute of Japan
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2020) pp.5 - 6 2020年7月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2018) pp.567 - 568 2018年7月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2017) pp.33 - 34 2017年7月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2016) pp.573 - 574 2016年8月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2015) pp.287 - 288 2015年9月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2014) pp.19 - 20 2014年9月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2013) pp.381 - 382 2013年8月
学術講演梗概集DVD. 建築歴史・意匠 (2012) pp.791 - 792 2012年9月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2011) pp.471 - 472 2011年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2010) pp.3 - 4 2010年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2009) pp.439 - 440 2009年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2008) pp.13 - 14 2008年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2007) pp.13 - 14 2007年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2006) pp.37 - 38 2006年7月
学術講演梗概集. F-2, 建築歴史・意匠 (2005) pp.1 - 2 2005年7月
English translation of the above.
A Study on the Michodai-style Shinza of Main Shrine in the Middle Ages
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2020) pp.5 - 6. July, 2020
A Study on the House of Kodama Family in Uyama, Kochi Town, Higashi-hiroshima City
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2018) pp.567 - 568. July, 2018
A Consideration on the Structure and the Name of Japanese Gates
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2017) pp.33 - 34. July, 2017
A Consideration on the Building Style of Shugo-shin.
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2016) pp.573 - 574. August, 2016
A Consideration on the Honden of Araebisu Shrine of Itsukushima Shrine
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2015) pp.287 - 288. September, 2015
A Consideration on the Haraiden of Itsukushima Shrine Built in about 1168
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2014) pp.19 - 20. September, 2014
A Consideration on 'Mata-bisashi' of the Honden of Hakozaki Shrine Built in 1281
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2013) pp.381 - 382. August, 2013
A Consideration on the Honden of Takao Shrine Built in 1219
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2012) pp.791 - 792. September, 2012
A Consideration on Kadomaroudo Shrine (Ebisu Shrine) of Itsukushima Shrine
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2011) pp.471 - 472. July, 2011
A consideration on the built time of Itsukushima shrine by Taira-no-Kiyomori
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2010) pp.3 - 4. July, 2010
A Consideration on the Kannondo of Hogon-ji Temple in Chikubu Island
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2009) pp.439 - 440. July, 2009
*Co-authored with Dr. Taiki Sato
A Consideration on the Main Holl of Josho-ji Temple
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meetingd (2008) pp.13 - 14. July, 2008
The Aramatsurinomiya of Ise Shrine Built in 1426
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meetingd (2007) pp.13 - 14. July, 2007
The Gakuya of Itsukushima Shrine Built in 1241
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2006) pp.37 - 38. July, 2006
The Kairou of Itsukushima Shrine Built in 1241
Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting (2005) pp.1 - 2. July, 2005