史学研究 (305) pp.352 - 368 2020年3月
The Remnants of Structures Thought to be Seiro in the Historical Site of Noshima Castle
広島商船高等専門学校紀要 (40) pp.89 - 98 2018年3月 (in English)
仏堂に安置された神社系宮殿に関する考察 : 厳島神社末社荒胡子神社本殿を中心として
史学研究 (293) pp.1 - 25 2016年9月
日本建築学会計画系論文集 78(689) pp.1597 - 1605 2013年7月
日本建築学会計画系論文集 77(679) pp.2171 - 2180 2012年9月
広島大学総合博物館研究報告 (3) pp.135 - 156 2011年12月
芸備地方史研究 (275-276) pp.1 - 22 2011年4月
広島大学総合博物館研究報告 (1) pp.13 - 24 2009年12月
広島大学総合博物館にある仁治度厳島神社復元模型は、その後に失われたり改変されたりした社殿を往時の状態に学術的に復元したものである。仁治度復元社殿の構造形式は、柱に陸梁を架け、梁上は豕扠首とし、一軒疎垂木の化粧屋根裏に切妻造とするなど、 比較的画一であった。この基本的な構造形式を軸に、各社殿の格式や機能に応じて細部意匠が決定されたものと考 えられる。この復元模型により、 現在の厳島神社の社頭景観は、 仁治度と細部において変化したところが多いものの、全体としての趣はほぼ踏襲されていることが鮮明となった。
史学研究 (264) pp.54 - 69 2009年6月
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 148 pp.169 - 191 2008年12月
建築史学 (51) pp.68 - 93 2008年9月
芸備地方史研究 (258-259) pp.44 - 60 2008年2月
English translation of the above.
A Study on the Shinza of Takao Shrine Built in 1219
Shigaku-Kenkyu: Review of Historical Studies (305) pp.352 - 368. March, 2020
Takao Shrine had a deep connection to Kora Shrine that was the Ichinomiya (the first shrines) in Chikugo Province (southern Fukuoka Prefecture). Although a fire destroyed the shrine in 1213, the honden (the main shrine) of the shrine was reconstructed and the sengu (when the kami was returned to the honden) took place in 1219. A few documents from this reconstruction including the plan and the order for woods used in the reconstruction have been preserved.
The purpose of this study is to clarify from these documents, the style of the shinza (the sacred place where the kami is presumed to exist) that was built in 1219. This analysis revealed that the type of shinza was michodai (the furniture used by a noble person in their daily lives or for sleeping) and the shinza had humble features compared to the common michodai. We consider that these features were due to the small scale of the shinza, in addition to the troubled economic situation at that time. Moreover, there is a possibility that it represents the shape of the transitional period when the michodai had changed.
The Remnants of Structures Thought to be Seiro in the Historical Site of Noshima Castle
The Bulletin of National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College (40) pp.89 - 98. March, 2018 (in English)
The remnants of six sōbashira-style earthfast pillar structures were found in Noshima Castle. They consist of square 2 ken × 2 ken (ken means the number of between the columns) bases and, as such, are likely to have been seirō. The archeological survey report does not clearly indicate the role of these structures; the report argues that they may have been seirō, but it also expresses doubt by questioning what useful role such structures could have served and why there were so many of them.
In this article, I reaffirmed that the remnants of sōbashira-style earthfast pillar structures discovered in NoshimaCastle were all seirō. Having examined these seirō as well as the seirō in other medieval fortresses, I concluded that they were erected to keep a close lookout over the sheer drop on the outside of the fortress over the dobei. Also, have been erected from the middle to late 16th century, they belonged exclusively to a period of conflict in Japan’s history, marked by fierce battles between large armies.
A Study of the Butsudo with a Placement of a Shrine-Style Kyuden:With Special Reference to Araebisudo and Araebisu Shrine of Itsukushima Shrine
Shigaku-Kenkyu: Review of Historical Studies (293) pp.1 - 25. September, 2016
Araebisu Shrine belonging to Itsukushima Shrine is located in the east of Itsukushima Shrine. Before Shinbutsu-Bunri (the separation of Shinto and Buddhism), the honden (the main shrine) of Araebisu Shrine was in Araebisudo. In other words, the honden was the shrine-style kyuden (the inner miniature building), and originally it was in butsudo (the Buddhist hall).
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the architectural features of Araebisudo and Araebisu Shrine by analyzing historical documents. The analysis revealed that Araebisudo contained several features that differed from the typical butsudo. Specifically, there were no shumidan (the pedestal at the center of butsudo), raigo-bashira (two columns behind the shumidan), or raigo-kabe (the wall behind the shumidan) in Araebisudo. One reason for the lack of these features was that the kyuden, currently the honden of Araebisu Shrine, was too large to be furnished with these features.
A Reconstructive Study on the Asamedono of Katori-jingu Built in 1270
Journal of Architecture and Planning 78(689) pp.1597 - 1605. July, 2013
The shikinen sengu continued in Katori-jingu till the beginning of the 14th century. A document that is the order for woods about the asamedono built in 1270 has been remained. The purpose of this study is to clarify the style of the asamedono by using it.
This analysis revealed that the asamedono had some humble features. It was that the height of a floor was low and that the nageshi was attached only to the outside of the building. Furthermore we consider that the asamedono was changed into the style which put in the element of the shoshinden in 1424.
The Honden of Takao Shrine Built in 1219
Journal of Architecture and Planning 77(679) pp.2171 - 2180. September, 2012
The honden of Takao Shrine was reconstructed in 1213 and the sengu took place in 1219. Some documents including the plan and the order for woods have been remained about this reconstruction. The purpose of this study is to clarify the style and the origin of the honden in 1219 from these documents.
This analysis revealed that the honden had some humble features. We consider that it became impossible to maintain the former style by reason of economy. Furthermore the honden had something in common with Kora Shrine's honden. Therefore we conclude that Takao Shrine was derived from Kora Shrine.
Munafuda of Uzu Shrine in Osaki-Shimojima, Ocho, Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture
Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum (3) pp.135 - 156. December, 2011
This is a research report on 51 munafudas (boards describing the construction and repair of the building) in the collection of Uzu Shrine (Osaki Shimojima, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture), consisting of 3 medieval, 20 early modern, 8 early modern, and 20 copies dating from 1775.
All the medieval munafdas are related to the Honden (the main shrine), documenting its reconstruction and repair. Early modern times Munafudas indicate that the Honden was rethatched the roof at intervals of around 20 years. In addition, carpenters often originated from the island or the surrounding area. Munafudas of Uzu Shrine are highly valued as cultural assets and historical material.
A Reconstractive Study on the Aszaya of Itsukushima Shrine Built in 1241
Geibi-Chihoshi-Kenkyu (275-276) pp.1 - 22. April, 2011
The Asazaya of Itsukushima Shrine is the building where the Shinto priest gather. Since it was founded around 1168, Asazaya has undergone several rebuilds and is still in existence.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the style of the Asazaya in 1241 by the order for woods in historical documents. It is found that the present Asazaya has survived without much loss of its 1241 structural form. Moreover, the analysis revealed that the Asazaya had the highest status in the attached buildings at Itsukushima Shrine. The height of status is shown in the thick columns and ceiling.
A Study on Buildings of Itsukushima Shrine in the Middle of 13th Century
Bulletin of the Hiroshima University Museum (1) pp.13 - 24. December, 2009
Itsukushima Shrine has been constructed in around 1168. The shrine is formed by several buildings which were built on the seashore and the surrounding area. However, the shrine was destroyed by fire twice. When the second reconstruction was almost completed, the sengu (the ceremony of transferring the temporary repository of the gods and goddesses to the new sanctuary) had taken place in the Ninji era (in the middle of the 13th century). Only two buildings, Haiden (the building of worship) and Haraiden (the building of purification) in Honsha were reconstructed during Ninji era and remained until now, while the other buildings were reconstructed several times after Ninji era.
In this paper, I would like to focus on the order for woods, which were used for the second reconstruction in Ninji era. Moreover, by drawing the reconstruction, I am about to study and analyze the features of Itsukushima Shrine.
After the analysis, it is found that the majority of buildings are kept as a uniform construction. For example, the Hunahijiki (a kind of ornaments which looks like the bottom of a ship) on the column, the beam without curve etc. Although there are slight differences in details, the present buildings structure follows the Kamakura period well.
A Study on the Building Date of the Five-storied Pagoda in Itsukushima-jinja Shrine
Shigaku-Kenkyu:Review of Historical Studies (264) pp.54 - 69. June, 2009
It has been recognized that the five-storied pagoda of Itsukushima Shrine was built in 1407. Each red column on its first floor bears inscription in lacquer showing that the 'shu-bashira' (red column) was dedicated by a lady or a monk. In recent years, it has been speculated that the five-story pagoda was built in 1532 or 1533.
But new opinion as to the building date of the five-storied pagoda might not be correct, because the shape of architectural parts doesn’t show the features of the time.
The purpose of this study is to clarify when the five-storied pagoda was built. As compared with the shape of ornaments of the buildings around the Inland Sea, the feature of the five-storied pagoda expresses that it was built in the beginning of the 15th century, including 1407. The inscription of dedicating a red column should be interpreted not as the dedication of the column itself but as painting a column red in 1532-1533.
A Reconstructive Study of the Ninji Era Passageways of Itsukushima Shrine
Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History 148 pp.169 - 191. December, 2008
The Kairo (passageways) of Itsukushima Shrine has been a link between the buildings that stand on the sea since around 1168. Itsukushima Shrine was ravaged by fires twice. After the second fire, many of the buildings were rebuilt in 1241. Fortunately, many historical documents have been remained about this reconstruction. We can know the details on the structure of many buildings by the order for woods these documents.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the style of the Kairo in 1241. This reconstructive analysis revealed that the Kairo in 1241 was generally the same in size and structural form as the current Kairo, although there are slight differences in some of the details.
The Study on the ‘Gakuya’ of Itsukushima-jinja Shrine Built in 1241
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Japan (51) pp.68 - 93. September, 2008
Itsukushima Shrine has been keeping many buildings in the seashore since it was constructed around 1168. However Itsukushima Shrine was ravaged by fires twice. After the second fire, many of the buildings were rebuilt in 1241. Fortunately, many historical documents have been remained about this reconstruction. We can know the details on the structure of many buildings by the order for woods in these documents.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the style of the Gakuya, a building for musicians of bugaku, in 1241. According to my analysis, the Gakuya had some unusual features in 1241 and it was quite different from that of today. The Gakuya was originally founded as an akuya (a kind of tent covered with cloth over the frame of thin wood stick) in 1176. That is to say, as the Gakuya had been an akuya at one time, the Gakuya had unusual features.
A Study on the Length and Arrangement of the Itsukushima Shrine Kairo in 1241
Geibi-Chihoshi-Kenkyu (258-259) pp.44 - 60. February, 2008
Academic predecessor have pointed out that the Kairo (passageways) of Itsukushima Shrine may have been 180 ken (ken means the number of between the columns) length, which is nearly 70 ken longer than it is now. This paper re-examines the historical documents and reconsiders the length and arrangement of the Kairo in 1241.
This analysis revealed that there was never a time when the length of the Kairo was 180 ken. In fact, it is estimated that the Kairo was about 116 ken length in 1241. Further, we concluded that the Kairo had been reduced to its current 107 ken length in response to the demolition of the Kayuzaya. Therefore, it is likely that the arrangement of the Kairo has not changed significantly since 1241.